Making a first impression a lasting one is not only true for meeting people for the first time, it’s also true when introducing your home to a buyer.
Are you impressed when meeting somebody for the first time that looks like they just rolled out of bed wearing wrinkled dirty clothes, teeth not brushed, hair not done? …Certainly not! However, you would be impressed if that person was wearing a suit or a dress with a nice bright smile on their face.

Same goes for a home. First impressions “should impress”.
When a seller wants to dress their home to impress, they should be mindful of the front door. It’s like shaking a hand for the first time in an introduction. Would you shake a dirty hand? Of course not! The front door should be clean and freshly painted if needed. The pathway to the door should be at the very least…neat, swept, weeded. Hang a wreath on the door, put a welcome sign up, a flower pot out, or display something seasonable! This captures the buyers attention and makes them eager to see more. The interior of the home should be staged to be shown. Make it look like there is room in the home, organize closets, declutter… if possible, paint if needed.
I’m an excellent source of advice on how to make your home stand out. There are secrets I’ll share with you which are cost effective. Your bottom line will increase with my tips.
What kind of seller do you want to be? Here is a very simple answer. Be the kind of seller you’d like to buy from.
Present your home the way you’d like to see it if you were the one buying it. Deliver your home in the manner in which you’d like to receive it.
I promise to give you the tips on how to dress your home to impress buyers. Make it stand out! Dress to impress – contact me!
Next time:
My Answers, My Views will address whether or not it’s still a good time to sell or buy and what the new year thus far is looking like.