My answer is yes, it has changed and is still changing.  The elevated prices are set. Property sales are backed by high comparable sales. Although leveling off on the inflated side,  the change we are now seeing (and it’s been a very long time since we’ve seen this) is that if a home is truly overpriced  (meaning above these outrageous prices)  the home will sit a bit longer on the market or you will see a price adjustment!  Supply and demand is dancing around the reality of “Let’s see what happens …let’s test the market, lets push it.” Inventory is still low!

Is it still a multiple offer market?

Yes, depending on the price and supply and demand. However,  we can be creative with your offer to make it more considerable, agreeable and appetizing to the sellers pallet. I have given my buyers an edge and the keys wind up in my buyers hands. 

Does the buyer have to waive inspections, waive appraisals, take everything “AS IS”?

Come read my next blog to find out my answers my views…COMING SOON!